Meet the dedicated staff that is passionate about working (behind) the scenes to make the Coding School work.

Thomas Bornheim


42 is a movement. As the CEO of 42 Heilbronn, I am excited to focus on everything our students need to be successful.

I have experienced powerful moments of collaboration and learning during my career in big tech - and I hope to create a platform, where we can offer mindful people of all backgrounds a space to grow.

Max Meisinger

Lead of Learning

I was already enthusiastic about 42 Heilbronn as a student. Now I'm even happier to be a part of it and to do everything I can to make the most of the experience. As Lead of Learning, I take care of the learning experience and all the pedagogical topics that our students are concerned about.

Debbie Gunkel

Event Manager

Supporting the development of 42 Heilbronn is an awesome challenge. The 42 network is a unique educational platform, with many locations around the world. I am looking forward to bringing 42 Heilbronn together with different groups of people at the upcoming events. Let’s achieve great things together!

Moritz Carthaus

Head of Administration

I am responsible for administrative topics (e.g. finance, processes, organisation, HR) with which I intend to do my best to contribute to excellent learning and development opportunities.

The topic "learning and development" plays a significant role in my life and I am driven to see young people evolving constantly. I am really looking forward to accompaning and observing this process as often as possible.

Markus Hagner

Program Manager Infrastructure & Partnerships

I am curious about creating together with our students a place to develop smart human interactions, collaboration, kindness, empathy and a workplace where they can develop their skills and follow their passion. Peer to peer learning and an extensive hands-on mentality is something that follows up my hole vitae. Let's work together on a unique and unusual place to create a space where the future is already taking place.

Nadia Horneff

Marketing Project Manager

42 Heilbronn has a special spirit that convinced and excited me from the very beginning. The world should know about that. Therefore, I have made it my mission to reach and inform all those who have always been waiting for something like the Programming School 42 - consciously or unconsciously. They should all find their way to us. Spread the word! - that is my motto.

Ines Rose

Admin Operations

The gamified and project-based learning makes our coding school unique and innovative. As part of the 42 Heilbronn team, I support the administrative areas and am excited about the creative and exciting projects we will realize in the 42 network.

Lea Krück

Project Manager KI Salon

Community. Helping each other. Growing personally. Learning and passionately advancing the topics that interest me - that’s 42 Heilbronn for me.
As a project manager, I am responsible for the KI Salon. A project that uses art and culture to create a wide variety of event formats that make artificial intelligence tangible and understandable - for everyone. Together with the events of the 42 Heilbronn, an exciting program for students and interested people is created here.

Steve Killian

Student Experience Manager

From my time before 42 Heilbronn, I know how boring lectures at a university can be when the professor just reads off slides again. For me, 42 is the answer to old-fashioned learning systems that make you work alone and learn by heart. My goal as Student Experience Manager is to offer the best learning experience, combined with a community that makes 42 Heilbronn a unique place.

Patrick Fuchs

Data Analyst

As a former student of 42 Heilbronn and now part of the team, I feel honored to work with a community eager to learn. I use data to improve our learning system, but I also develop new tools and technologies for a better learning experience for our students.

Lisa Orlianska

Admission Manager

My role as Admission Manager at 42 Heilbronn is about taking care of the application process. My main goal is to contribute to the community growth and ensure that each applicant has a great experience here at 42. Seeing more people join makes me happy, and I want to make sure everyone feels welcome and supported. My favorite thing about 42 Heilbronn is how diverse student here are, everyone comes from a different country, with a different background and each with their own unique story.


The Dieter Schwarz Foundation ranks among the large German foundations; it becomes active where government bodies are not, or not sufficiently, able to meet the needs of the economy and society. „Promote education, share knowledge, venture future“ is the guiding principle of the Foundation, which supports whit its commitment today what makes tomorrow’s society strong: a wide range of educational opportunities targeting people at different stages of their lives. The Dieter Schwarz Foundation supports the founding of 42 Heilbronn by providing the financial means and infrastructure to equip the facilities.

"To strengthen our society and economy of tomorrow, we need courageous concepts and extraordinary innovations."

Prof. Reinhold Geilsdörfer
Managing Director of Dieter Schwarz Foundation

Start your coding career with 42 Heilbronn