
About the Partnership between 42 Heilbronn and Hochschule Heilbronn

Even though 42 Heilbronn doesn't grant an accredited degree and isn't recognized as a school or university, we offer the chance to obtain student status due to our partnership with Hochschule Heilbronn (HHN). This status creates opportunities, such as applying for Bafög (German student financial aid) or fulfilling the requirements for a work visa. Naturally, participation in this “cooperative study" is entirely voluntary.

Cooperative Study

The Cooperative Study Program in Detail

Within the cooperative study framework, participants engage in both the Core Curriculum of 42 Heilbronn and the "Business Informatics" course at HHN - either concurrently or consecutively. Projects successfully completed at 42 Heilbronn are recognized by HHN. This means that about 40-50% of the ECTS can be replaced by projects from 42 Heilbronn. Students have some flexibility in choosing between courses at 42 Heilbronn and HHN. Current projections suggest that, depending on the level of commitment, one should plan for approximately 1.5 years in addition to the Core Curriculum at 42 Heilbronn to complete the studies at HHN.

Participation Requirements

To participate, candidates must possess a university entrance qualification and demonstrate good proficiency in German
(at least Level C). The instruction at HHN is conducted in German.

Participation Requirements

Application Process

Application Process

Interested individuals need to go through the standard application procedures of both 42 Heilbronn and HHN. We advise first successfully completing the Piscine at 42 Heilbronn before applying to HHN. Piscines are held regularly, with dates available on our website. Applications for studies at HHN are open until July 15th for the winter semester and until January 15th for the summer semester. You can find more information on HHN’s website.

Learn More

Throughout the application process, the 42 Heilbronn team is available for further information, especially during the introduction events and the Piscine.

Wirtschaftsinformatik page HHN

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